Three tips for PR results

It is no news that the PR field has changed in recent years, with more blurred lines between editorial space and advertising. Social media, influencer marketing and commercial content creation contribute to a development that both creates challenges and provides opportunities for your brand. And it is more important than ever to know where and how laws, rights, regulations and ethical approaches come into play.

At Wangari Studio, we have developed an integrated PR offering that grows every day, while our focus on social sustainability and value-based collaborations remains at the core. Now we share three slightly softer tips that can make your PR work easier and more effective:

  1. Be personal. The foundation for success in PR is human relations. Building networks is not "corporate BS" but one of the most important bases for creating increased results through PR. Meet people, listen to their needs, keep track of magazines and digital platforms, understand which profiles represent which areas - and give others the opportunity to get to know you and your company's unique profile.

  2. Think dynamically. The time when PR could be equated with just a press release is long gone. Today, we see higher demands for visual material that is adapted to the specific context, while media consumption varies greatly between different target groups, channels and areas of interest. Let owned, shared and purchased channels work together with the deserved space, because even the smallest parts result in bigger impact when they work together.

  3. Show patience but not inertia. Building trust can take time, and one of the keys to successful PR is persistence. Keep the brand's communication together so that recognition is strengthened over time. Have the ability to repeat and follow up. But that doesn't mean sticking to the same tactics you've always used. In today's PR landscape, the competition and pace are sky high. Trying new paths and daring to stand out - with the right purpose - are prerequisites for effect.

Feel free to get in touch if you want to talk more about purpose-driven PR with us at Wangari Studio!


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